Saturday, April 9, 2011

the social research - Facebook and Twitter are deceiving the brain

National Institute of Health, Denmark (SIF) has conducted a survey among schoolchildren, which revealed that adolescents from 11 years to 15 years of age spend with their peers only half the time they spent with friends, but in 1988. Much of his free time, Danish, students have a computer monitor, fun games, watching new movies and socializing with friends in Twitter or Facebook.
According to psychologist Anders Colding-Jorgensen, due to the active hobbies computer teens lose all social skills. According to psychologists, social networking can be compared with the immoderate consumption of Coca-Cola.
Social networking site Facebook and Twitter are deceiving the brain, making him at the same time to believe in something, though electronic communication satisfies the necessary social needs of adolescents. However, the human body knows what is sitting on a chair, it does not feel any sign language, nor smell, and proximity to other people. This can be compared with the use of Coca-Cola, imagining at the same time, if the body receives the necessary amounts of vitamins and nutrients.

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