Sunday, May 29, 2011

Scientists are very close to the discovery of antigravitation


Scientists announced that they were able to capture 309 of antihydrogen atoms and keep them for 15 minutes. This is a fairly long period of time interval Bole than enough to hold their detailed examination. In particular, determine how they are governed by the laws of gravity, and if they obey all these laws. It is not excluded that antiparticles carry the gravitational interaction in the opposite sequence, that is "falling upwards".

Similar studies have not been able to produce on the grounds that create and capture an antiparticle is extremely difficult, and keeping them is even harder. The assumption that the antimatter is completely opposite to the substance, it has a right to exist, because it is the exact opposite repeats all of its properties, including electrical charge.

However, the discovery of antigravity force, in practice, scientists completely revise many laws of physics, in particular, it could mean that antiparticles have negative mass, if the law of gravity still remains in force. It may also mean that somewhere in the universe there are entire galaxies of antimatter. In any case, scientists will discuss these issues in the next two months, and in parallel to prepare for the next experiment, to learn how to fall antiparticle: up or down.

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